What’s the eligibility criteria for new jobs created under the scheme?
The government wants to encourage businesses across all sectors to apply to the scheme. However, there are a few stipulations which employers need to adhere to in order to receive the wage subsidy. The Kickstart Scheme job placements must:
- Last six months
- Be at least 25 hours per week (employers can top-up wages if the role is over this)
- Include support for young people to help them get work after they finish their Kickstart Scheme job (if not taken on longer-term following the placement)
- Be ‘additional’ – this means the job would not exist without Kickstart Scheme grant funding and must not replace existing/planned jobs or cause existing employers or contractors to lose or reduce their employment.
Outside of these criteria, the employer can choose to create additional roles in any part of their business. However, it is worth keeping in mind when scoping potential new roles that this might be the first paid job a young person on the scheme has ever had. These jobs only need to last 6 months and you are under no obligation to provide a full-time role for the young person once the placement has ended.