
How can my organisation evidence that these new jobs are ‘additional’?

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For those organisations applying directly, you will be asked to provide supporting evidence of how these roles are additional within your organisation. You can do this by submitting the following information:

  • Any changes to your workforce in the last six months and why (for example redundancies and changes to hours worked by existing staff)
  • The number of people affected by changes to your workforce in the last six months as well as the size of your overall workforce
  • The kinds of roles, functions and average salary of those who were made redundant or who had their hours reduced in the last six months
  • If you would be able to create these job placements without Kickstart Scheme funding and what funding source you would use
  • What recruitment you have completed, started or paused in the last six months, including how similar these vacancies are or were to the roles you are creating for the Kickstart Scheme
  • If the job placements will be similar to existing or planned roles or the roles previously done by those made redundant or with fewer working hours, why you are using Kickstart Scheme funding to create similar roles
  • If you’ve engaged with any relevant trade unions and any advice they have given.

If you are applying through a Kickstart intermediary, they can support you to evidence this.

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